Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Egyptian Red Sea

Happy Thanksgiving!

Chloe and I are back in Cairo, once being hosted by the most awesome Paul and Katheen. Not only that, but we are cooking a good ole American T-Day meal, complete with butterball turkey and pumpkin pie. How lucky are we?!?! What a great way to close out our time in Egpyt; tomorrow we fly to Athens!

We spent the last week in Dahab, on the Sanai Peninsula. It's a laid back tourist town known for it's world class diving and relaxation. Can't say we have a ton of stories to tell, as took it real easy. You known you have a tough life when the biggest decision of the day is whether you will lay around at the pool, or along the rocky beach:

On our 3rd day, when we thought we might actually break our fast from doing...anything...and go snorkeling  Dahab was hit with a crazy hail storm! Apparently it only happens like once every 4-5 years. There were hail stones the size of ice cubes falling from the sky, and rain that pelted the arid land. So much rain fell so quickly there was flash flooding all over town. Being so arid, buildings really aren't prepared for rain, and we had water coming in through the ceiling to our room and the stairs in the hotel were flowing like a creek. As Chloe put it, it felt like we were on the Titanic as it was going down. Once the skies cleared however, the floodwaters were beautiful.

But do not worry, the next day provided the best snorkling I've ever seen at the Blue Hole dive site.

Into the Red Sea we go....

More snorkeling awaited the next day

It was crazy being in such a seemingly barren landscape on land, and how much life was revealed immediately upon entering the water. It was indeed a whole new world.

Just about 1 week to go!

Much love,

1 comment:

  1. We miss you back home but I am glad you are having such a grand adventure.
